Sunday, August 31, 2008

Lost Tooth!!

I don't remember when I lost my first tooth, but I remember it being such a momentous thing. And the waiting in anticipation for the tooth fairy! I also remember the moment I discovered the tooth fairy was not real. I lost a tooth and didn't inform the parents. I hid the tooth under my pillow and just waited. Nothing happened and I was crushed! Why I felt the need to know the truth, I don't know. I should've just gone along with it and enjoyed the fun. Well, we told Emma that the tooth fairy would be visiting her and she was so excited! The next morning she came into my room before I got up and showed me her dollar!!

Branson actually had to pull it, because it was just barely hanging on and I could see her accidentally eating it! She was fine until she saw the blood to follow. She freaked out and was a bit dramatic :o) I know......not Emma!!